We have been learning about the 5 types of vertebrates. We created a chart to list the characteristics of each vertebrate; we have a sorting job consisting of tiny animals, and we have books and picture cards which have allowed us see pictures of the 5 different vertebrates.
This is a compilation of some of the conversations we have had this week about the vertebrates.
Morah Katie: Tell me something that all the vertebrates have in common, they all have it.
Kian: Backbones!
Morah Katie: I agree! Can you tell me something that makes mammals different from fish, birds, amphibians or reptiles?
Levi: Mammals do not lay eggs.
Dena: They have fur!
Morah Katie: What does a bird have that is different from the other vertebrates?
Tori: Wings
Levi: Feathers
Morah Katie: What type of skin does an amphibian have, think of a frog.
Kids: Slimy
Morah Katie: Amphibians have wet skin. What type of skin does a reptile have?
Levi: Scaly and dry.
Morah Katie: Which vertebrates lay eggs?
Kids: Not mammals!
Morah Katie: True, which do?
Dena: Birds
Tori: Fish
Morah Katie: do amphibians and reptiles lay eggs?
Kids: Yes!
Along with this stimulating comparison of vertebrates, the children have been working hard in all areas of the classroom.
matching letters