Friday, February 22, 2013

Morah Katie: If we were to travel back in time long ago and to the city of Shushan, who are some of the people we should keep our eye out for?
Josiah: Haman, he did bad things to the Jews.
Morah Katie: Like what bad things?
Noam: Haman harmed the Jews!!
Noah: I would tell him to go away.
Morah Katie: So we would look for him to tell him how mean he is?
Gracie: No. He's mean. 
Morah Katie: So we shouldn't look for Haman.
Efraim: Haman harms.
Morah Katie: Who should we look for?
Dena: Mordechai! 
Morah Katie: Tell me about why we should look for Mordechai?
Kian: He helps people.
Dena: He is nice and good.
Aaron: He was the leader.
Morah Katie:Whose leader?
Aaron: Of the Jews.
Morah Katie: Who else would we want to see?
Tori: Queen Esther. She saved the whole world.
Gracie: She's nice.
Dena: She didn't want to be queen but she did it after Mordecai said to. Hashem must want it.
Morah Katie:  Anyone else?
Efraim: King. He's silly.
Morah Katie: Tell me about the king, why would we want to meet King Achesverosh?
Kian: Well he was silly and liked to have parties and have fun.
Morah Katie: Did he use his own brain to make decisions? Or did he let someone else think for him?
Josiah: He let Haman think for him.
Morah Katie: Hashem gave us each a brain to use, King Achesverosh  did not use his brain. 
Who helped him get back on track to begin making better choices? 
Noah: Mordechai
Efraim: Esther!
In preparation for Purim:
We had visitors from Shushan.
We made graggers and made noise with real ones.
We were hard at work creating our misloach manot, gifts of food that we weill share with a friend on Purim.
We created clay bowls, filled them with treats and made gift cards.

We shared tzedakah.
We made hamentashen, and generously saved them to share with our families.

Friday, February 15, 2013

This week the children voted to explore our sense of sight.
We played I Spy: colors, letters, shapes.
We made glasses, drawing attention to what we see when we look through them (I see.... a boy wearing a fireman's hat)
The highlight of exploring our sense of sight has been turning the camera over to the children.
I asked them to look around the classroom/playground and take pictures of what they see.
Downloading the pictures has been an absolute treat and at times a surprise.




Please ask your child what inspired the subject of their photography.

We finished our week with the sun shining and creating spots of colors to seek in the classroom.