Morah Katie: If we were to travel back in time long ago and to the city of Shushan, who are some of the people we should keep our eye out for?
Josiah: Haman, he did bad things to the Jews.
Noam: Haman harmed the Jews!!
Noah: I would tell him to go away.
Morah Katie: So we would look for him to tell him how mean he is?
Gracie: No. He's mean.
Morah Katie: So we shouldn't look for Haman.
Efraim: Haman harms.
Morah Katie: Who should we look for?
Dena: Mordechai!
Morah Katie: Tell me about why we should look for Mordechai?
Kian: He helps people.
Dena: He is nice and good.
Aaron: He was the leader.
Morah Katie:Whose leader?
Aaron: Of the Jews.
Morah Katie: Who else would we want to see?
Gracie: She's nice.
Dena: She didn't want to be queen but she did it after Mordecai said to. Hashem must want it.
Morah Katie: Anyone else?
Efraim: King. He's silly.
Morah Katie: Tell me about the king, why would we want to meet King Achesverosh?
Kian: Well he was silly and liked to have parties and have fun.
Morah Katie: Did he use his own brain to make decisions? Or did he let someone else think for him?
Josiah: He let Haman think for him.
Morah Katie: Hashem gave us each a brain to use, King Achesverosh did not use his brain.
Who helped him get back on track to begin making better choices?
Noah: Mordechai
Efraim: Esther!
In preparation for Purim:
We had visitors from Shushan.
We made graggers and made noise with real ones.
We were hard at work creating our misloach manot, gifts of food that we weill share with a friend on Purim.
We created clay bowls, filled them with treats and made gift cards.
We shared tzedakah.
We made hamentashen, and generously saved them to share with our families.