It's time for a party!
We have been creating our very own Shabbat boxes to share with our families.
Each box contains handmade items needed at every Shabbat dinner.
Shabbat dinner is not a regular dinner, it is a fancy special dinner.
What will we find in our Shabbat boxes?
Efraim: We find candlesticks.
Zim: We have a cup.
Abigail: For grape juice.
Gracie: We have a challah cover.
Zim: To cover the challah.
Morah Flip: I am pretty excited to see the Shabbat boxes. Will there be chicken in the boxes?
Sroli: NO! Candlesticks!
Morah Flip: What about matzah ball soup? Will that be in the boxes?
Abigail: NO Challah!
Morah Flip: Will there be songs or friends in the boxes?
Scout: No, a kiddush cup!
Sroli: Family is coming!
The exciting night arrived.
We gathered our boxes and joined our families.
We shared our special items; lit the candles; made the Kiddush and shared challah.
A joyful Shabbat was had by all.