"We thank Hashem for mom and dad,
And for the food that we just had.
For us each and everyday is a thanksgiving day."
Morah Katie: We say thanks everyday for the things we have, and are given.
We thank Hashem for the sun and rain, the Torah.
We are thankful when our friends share and for the sweet snacks we eat.
But what does being thankful mean?
When you are thankful for something, what do you feel like, in your heart?
Augie: Loveful.
Evelyn: I feel good.
Abe: I feel happy.
Maya: It makes me be happy.
Abe: It is like when mom and dad kiss the ouchies and the pain goes away.
It feels better and good.
Morah Katie: I am thankful to be at school with my friends.
Clara: I'm thankful for the horse I'm going to get and for Nora.
Evan: I'm thankful for my friends.
Nora: I'm thankful for Clara.
Olivia B.: I'm thankful for my mom and dad.
Morah Katie: What are we thankful for today?
Clara: My lunch and Nora.
Judah: I'm thankful for the peddle bike.
Augie: I'm thankful for all the activities.
Evan: I'm thankful for all the stuff, the activities in the classroom.
Asher is thankful for his mom and Ashlynn.
Abram: I'm thankful for school, I just really like it.
Nora: I'm thankful for school and Clara.
Olivia S.: I'm thankful for my lunch, I'm eating it all.
Morah Katie: I'm thankful for all my friends.
Clara: I'm thankful for Nora.
Evan: I'm thankful for mom and dad.
Nora: I'm thankful for Clara.
Augie: I'm thankful for the whole world.
Judah: I'm thankful for the solar system, it's interesting and when I grow up I'm going to be an astronaut.
Olivia B.: I love my mom and dad.
Abram: I'm thankful for the food we eat that helps us be healthy.
Morah Katie: I'm thankful my family is healthy
Augie: I'm thankful to go to school and play.
Evelyn: I'm thankful for playing with Mom and Dad.
Abram: I'm thankful when Mom and Dad hug me.
Judah: I am thankful for astronauts.
Maya: I am thankful Mom and Dad kiss me and hug me when I am sad and make me better.
Asher is thankful for his family.
Olivia S.: I am thankful for going outside, and my brother playing with me.
Neil really enjoyed making paper pumpkins.
We are thankful there is plenty of play dough to share.
Sadie made a pumpkin, and then she shared it.
Sadie: Maya pumpkin.
Maya: Oh Sadie thank you.
Let's decorate the classroom.
We can put it here.
Augie: I am going to decorate the classroom with the pumpkins we are making.
Morah Katie: Thank you for making the classroom beautiful. |
Abram: I am making a play dough pumpkin. |
Judah: Look! I drew a turkey. |
Clara: Morah Katie look! The brown paint turned my hand RED!
Isn't that interesting? And pretty funny!
Morah Katie: I agree Clara! That is very unexpected! |