This week we were going to finish up shapes with the multisided polygons:
pentagon, hexagon. heptagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon.
We didn't quite make it there.
On Monday we did learn that a shape with five sides is a pentagon, and it looks like a home base for baseball.
Ari: You mean t-ball Morah Katie.
Morah Katie: Do I?
Ari: I think you do, it looks like the base at T-ball.
Morah Katie: I can agree with that.
Jade: It looks like a dreidel.
Morah Katie: It does look like a dreidel.
I felt good about pentagons.
And though I was sad for other shapes I was pleased to witness:
Clara and Nora storytelling with the help of some animals.
Maia and Aura busy developing fine motor skills.
Augie and Abram writing letters to their friends.
Nora and Evelyn creating their own story with the farm animals.
Renita and the children harvesting in the garden.
There was just enough strawberries on monday for everyone to enjoy one.
Some of my friends packed some green to take home, some just ate them on the playground.
The inspired architecture reached new heights this week.
The self control used to walk around it was as impressive.
Later in the week we did find our way back to shapes.
With the help of some play dough and sticks we created shape structures to take home.
Judah: Oh good an experiment!
Morah Katie: It will be. I want to make a pentagon that will stand up, but I'm not sure it will.
It seems to keep falling over.
It seems to keep falling over.
Judah: You can put play dough underneath the bottom stick to make it stick to the plate.
We tried Judah's idea, unfortunately, the pentagon did not stand.
Morah Katie: I failed. Should I give up?
Kids: NO!
Morah Katie: I can try a triangle? triangle stood up.
Clara: I am making a star. It has a lot of points.
Nora: I am making a triangle too but it is a flat one.
Olivia: I am making spheres, round likes balls.
Clara: Olivia's spheres look like pile of rocks at the beach I've seen once.
Evan: I am making a lot of shapes.
Morah Katie: You are. What are you making?
Morah Katie: I agree. Does it have a name?
Evan: A RECTangle. And I made a triangle when I cut the other one in half.
Ari: Judah We just need to match all the shapes to this paper.
Ari: Judah We just need to match all the shapes to this paper.
Whether it is using stencils to trace them or just going freehanded,
Augie, Asher and Abram continue to have fun creating shapes.
It has been a great month of discovery.