We are learning all about flowers as we countdown to our next holiday.
The children are all beautiful and informative and they are creating beautiful and informative flowers.
Morah Katie: What do flowers need to survive and grow?
Maya: Water.
Lochlan: Rich soil.
Miles: Nutrients.
Emily: Rain drops.
Colette: Sun.
Lochlan: Oxygen and stuff.
Morah Katie: Carbon dioxide.
We are keeping an eye out for blossoms in our garden because we know in some cases after flowers bloom fruit will grow.
There was a discovery of a slug in the garden.
The solution was a removal, and then the spreading of eggshells in the planter.
We are enjoying the available treats from our garden: chives and mint.
We planted more seeds.
We are preparing to plant carrots and radishes.
The garden is fun to watch grow.
The friendships and camaraderie among the children is by far more delightful to watch.