We began our week in the middle of Sukkot.
We dove right into crafts and activities.
The real lulav and estrog inspired us to create one with fun materials from our art shelf.
We "built" a paper sukkah on the wall of our classroom, to expand our home living fun.
We traveled outside for a nature walk to collect some sticks and twigs for more classroom sukkah activities.
Morah Katie: Why do we need sticks and twigs, what will we use them for?
Lochlan: The roof of the sukkah.
Moshe: The schach.
We had plenty of schach to use for our sukkah collages.
We used the collected twigs to help us create sukkahs for the dollhouse family.
We had the privilege of a special guest who helped us make the blessing with the lulav and estrog.
Efraim gently helped each child hold the lulav and estrog, and patiently lead his young friend as they said the blessing.
Morah Katie: What is similar about the sukkah and the classroom?
Lochlan: They both have walls.
Clive: The sukkah has a door, the classroom has a door.
Evan: We play in them.
Emily: We eat in them.
Morah Katie: What is different?
Lochlan: You can see the sky in the sukkah.
Emily: I can't see the sky in here.
Evan: The Earth is the floor in the sukkah, this is not the Earth, this is the floor.
We ate lunch and made the blessing with Rabbi Greenberg.
Emily: I love it here. It is so beautiful.