To prepare for Tu B'Shevat, we went on some nature walks to explore and admire trees.
Zoey: Wow, what a forest we are going into.
Morah Katie: How are these trees different from the one in front of the school that you looked at yesterday?
Moshe: I see leaves.
Moshe: I can see the WOOD!
Evan: You can swing on this tree.
Moshe: It reaches the sky.
Morah Katie: What holiday are we preparing to celebrate?
Evan: A holiday for trees.
Moshe: Tu B'Shevat.
Morah Katie: Why do we celebrate trees?
Kenya: They give us leaves.
Evie: They blow.
Morah Katie: Why else do we celebrate trees?
Evan: They give you the thing you are writing on.
Morah Katie: Which is...
Zoey: Paper.
Morah Katie: I have a notebook full of paper. What else do trees give us?
Evie: Apples.
Kenya: We eat apples.
Evan: Without trees we wouldn't have apples, we couldn't dip them in honey for Rosh Hashanah.
Moshe: OR the schach for a sukkah.
Morah Katie: It is a good thing we have trees. What else do they give us?
Evan: Air and oxygen.
Kenya: Trees.
Morah Katie: Looking around our classroom, what has come from trees?
Evan: I see a tree book. It is made from trees.
Moshe: The wood easel.
Evan: Photocopies.
Moshe: The tables.
Zoey: The bookshelf.
Evan: The dollhouse.
We noticed our Torah has wooden attributes.
We looked at the rings of a tree to view it's growth and discover is age.
Morah Katie: How are we like trees?
Evan: We both need water. We are alive.
Moshe: We grow.
Zoey: We both have birthdays.
Zoey: We both have birthdays.
Kenya: Oranges.
Morah Katie: What are oranges?
Moshe: They are sweet fruit.
Morah Katie: Do you grow fruit?
Evan: No. WE do mitzvahs.
Morah Katie: What is a mitzvah you can do?
Moshe: You can help someone.
Evan: You can be nice to someone.
Morah Katie: What is a mitzvah you can do?
Moshe: You can help someone.
Evan: You can be nice to someone.
We saw friends include others in games, make room for a friend during group time, wish friends well, clean tables, share tzedakah, give extra tzedakah to a friend in need, help a friend in class,
cheer a friend on, help the morahs, and so many more.
The morahs are already taking notes to begin writing on mitzvah fruits
which will fill this year's mitzvah tree.
Zoey: I'm making a tree like the one Morah Eden is making.
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