Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mitzvah notes

Dear Parents,

Throughout the next few weeks we are going to be talking about the world, some animals and plants we find in our world as well as the weather that surrounds our world.
Since our theme is going to last a few weeks, we are changing our mitzvah notes to “worlds” for the next few weeks. Please see the attached sheet of mitzvah notes and let me know when you need more.

One of the discussions we are going to have as we start talking about the world, is how our good deeds help make the world a better place. We are going to change our display to a large picture of the world that the kids will paint, then we can surround and cover it with “mitzvah note” good deeds. Please try to catch your child doing a good deed each day; even a very simple good deed is still great to share! Write it down and send it in. We would love for all the children to share mitzvah notes on a daily basis to show the importance these good deeds have on the world. Please also remember to have your child bring in tzedakah every day as giving tzedaka is part of our daily routine and this too is a good deed that can help make the world a better place for those in need.

Thank you,

Morah Amanda

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