Friday, October 7, 2016

Making a Sweet New Year

My friends came back with great holiday stories of apples dipped in honey.
Now it is time to begin to make a sweet new year.
Morah Tzivie: Yom Kippur is the holiday when we think of all the things we do, and how we can do them better. We think about ways we can be kinder, and more thoughtful friends.  Are we including all our friends? Are we using kind words? Also, are we listening to mom and dad? Are we being helpful?  
Maya: Like play with someone who does not want to be playing alone.
Nora: Help someone. I listened to my dad one time right away the first time.
My friends are making the new year sweet by solving their problems with kind and thoughtful words. 
Lochlan really wanted the purple hexagon; he reached to grab it from Nora.
Nora: Hey! Don't I'm using it.
Morah Katie: In our peaceful classroom we use words.
Lochlan: Can I have the purple one?
Nora: No, I'm building with it. 
Morah Katie: Maybe you can ask to use it when she is done?
Lochlan: But I want it now.
Nora: Well when I'm done we can take turns.
When she was done, they traded shapes.
 Accidents will happen, its what happens after the accident that is important.
Olivia: Lakshmi the phone dropped on my finger and it really hurt.
Lakshmi: I'm sorry Olivia.
Morah Katie: Lakshmi, you can ask Olivia what you can do to help her feel better?
Lakshmi: What can I do help you feel better?
Olivia: Well maybe try to not drop the phone on me?
Lakshmi: Oh I can do that. 
Everyone was very involved build a very cool neighborhood. 
Sadie: Maya can I have one of those.
Maya: No I have them.
Sadie: But I want one for the building.
Maya: I have them, I am using them.
Sadie: I want one, do you see my face? I want one. Give me one.
Maya: No, I am using them.
Sadie: But Maya I am using my words and I just want one look at my face.
Maya: Ok you can have one.
Sadie: Thank you Maya. 
I see a bright future ahead.

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