Monday, April 18, 2011

Flowers and Frogs and Matzah!

We have been learning about frogs this week.
Morah Katie: What is the first stage of a frogs's life?
Tori: They hatch from eggs.
Levi: Then they grow a tail and are tadpoles.
Morah Katie: Do they stay that way?
Tori: No, it disappears.
Morah Katie: What disappears?
Levi: The tail.
Morah Katie: So the tail disappears and then it's a frog?
Levi: It grows legs as the tail shrinks.
Tori: When it's all gone then it's a frog.
Ask your child to sing with you:
"One morning when King Pharaoh awoke in his bed
There were frogs on his head and frogs in his bed
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs here, Frogs there, Frogs were jumping everywhere!"

We are finishing up our preparation for Passover.
We used different puppets and pictures to sing
"The Ma Nishtana"
Four Questions;
"Ma Nishtana Halayla Hazeh Mikol Halailot?"
Why is this night so different from all other night?
On all the nights of the year, we don't dip our food,
But on this night, but on this night, we dip twice.
On all the nights of the year we eat bread or matzah,
But on this night, but on this night we eat only Matzah.

We are learning the important differences between challah and matzah. We learned of how simple the recipe for matzah is; that the flour and water were all the Jewish people had to make bread, and when they rushed out of Egypt there was no time for their dough to rise.
We prepared Charoset, the apple and nut mixture on the Seder plate.
We ate sweet carrots to compare it with the taste of the bitter maror.
The bitter taste of the Maror reminded us of the bitter suffering of the Jews in Egypt.
Morah Tzive: Who would like to taste our bitter maror?
Kian: I will taste it.
Morah Tzivie: Does it taste sweet like the carrot? or bitter?
Kian: Bitter.
At the end of our tasting, Daniel stated the seder dinner very clearly:
Lots of interesting foods!

Sing this song with your children: (tune of Mary had a little lamb)
Passover is a holiday, a holiday, a holiday
Passover is a holiday, a very special day
On Passover we eat crunchy matzah,
crunchy matzah, crunchy matzah
On Passover we eat crunchy matzah to remember the slaves in Egypt.
The Passover meal is called a Seder,
called a Seder, called a Seder.
The Passover meal is called a Seder, with lots of interesting foods.
At the Seder we drink four cups of wine,
four cups of wine, four cups of wine
At the Seder we drink four cups of wine to celebrate that we are free!

We began to plant some flowers for our outside playground.
We talked about the roots, stems and leaves and made guesses as to what type of flowers we will see bloom.

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