Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome! I am excited to begin the new school year and I hope all the children and families are as well. I have enjoyed seeing the bright, happy faces each morning, and I hope the children are sharing their excitement at home with you.

In the immediate days to come, the main goal is helping each child acclimate to being a preschooler and the classroom routine.

We want everyday your child spends at The Gan to be joyful and fun. One of the many ways we can facilitate this is with a positive and comforting morning goodbye.

Beginning preschool is a big step for a small child, as well as for parents. Goodbyes can be a moment of stress. A successful approach to the goodbye is to project a feeling of calm and confidence (even if you may be feeling shaky yourself). Your calm, and encouraging demeanor will reassure your child.

There are many strategies for a successful goodbye. Preparing your child and having a brief goodbye ritual can be a source of comfort. The teachers will work with you and your child to determine the best adjusting style for your child.

Looking to the future, this year we will explore space, dive into the oceans and travel on an ark.

While we discover these wondrous areas, we will continue to develop our learning skills such as sorting and matching, our alphabet sounds, science and number sense, as well as other subjects. We will develop our creativity through art and activities to inspire inquisitive thoughts.

The children will be provided with interesting activities to inspire and provoke their minds. I will present the activities and invite the children to participate. I will observe and follow the children’s interests, and do my best to meet their needs and curiosities.

Our room is already being filled with color and creativity. Our family frames are gracing our wall, the cause of smiles and conversations.

We have made “buddies” which will be puppets for circle songs and games.

Fridays we will celebrate Shabbat. Today, we made our blessings and enjoyed Challah as well as preparing our own challah's to bring home and share.

We sang and danced with a wonderful music circle with Morah Flip.

It has been an active 2 days, and I am looking forward to many more!

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