Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Preparing for Purim

So much of what was going on in our classroom this week has built up our excitement and anticipation of the holiday of Purim.

We built palaces,
and painted the palace in Shushan (the Persian city where the story happened).

We are making graggers to sound out Haman's name,
and creating our own paper dolls, to help us learn about
Queen Esther, Mordechai, King Achashverosh and Haman.
We are creating paper hamantosh to get us ready for our party next thursday.
We have been dressing up as we listen to Morah Tzivie tell us about the story.
The children immediately empathized with some of the Purim characters, while instinctively expressing antipathy for the personality traits of others.
The children were not happy to hear about Haman and his cruelness.

But joy is returning upon hearing about Queen Ester and her plan to help her people.
We will continue to act out the story as we prepare for the holiday through next week.

We are learning special songs to share at our party on thursday, we look forward to seeing you all.

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