Thursday, May 9, 2013

Less than ONE week until the next holiday!
We have been counting down to Shavuot and preparing a special craft for this special day.
Hashem gave the Jewish people a present: The Torah!
We know it is full of: Mitzvahs and Stories!
We made our own Torah's. We began creating beautiful covers.
We created our scrolls, and wrote a mitzvah we can do.
It came to our attention that our  puppets Sally and Billybobjoe saw all the Torah making activity, but were unclear about what the Torah is and why it is so special.
Sally: What is the Torah? 
Tori: It tells us to do kind things.
Kian: It is full of mitzvahs.
Sally: What is a mitzvah?
Abigail: To make happy people.
Aaron: Helping people.
Noah: The Torah is full of good things and good deeds.
Sally: What good things?
Scout: Helping sick people.
Gracie: Sharing toys with people who don't have toys.
Josiah: Celebrating the holidays.
Billybobjoe: Can I get a Torah at Barnes and Noble?
Kids: NO!!!!!
Efraim: From the mountain.
Billybobjoe: So I will go to a mountain and get a Torah.
Josiah: Hashem gave the Torah on a mountain!
Efraim: Moshe!
Sally: Hashem gave it to Moshe on what kind of mountain?
Dena: Mt. Sinai
Sally: Why Mt. Sinai?  Is it the tallest? or the snowiest? or the prettiest?
Gracie: It was humblely.
Sally: What does humble mean?
Billybobjoe: I KNOW I KNOW BECAUSE I!!!! AM THE SMARTEST PUPPET.  Humble is like me.
Efraim: Trying, just OK.
Josiah: Being respectful.
Sally: So being humble means not bragging?
Dena: Or fighting.
Billybobjoe: You are telling us that Hashem gave you The Torah on a mountain that was humble and the Torah is full of good things to help us behave well?
Kids: YES!
Sally: No wonder it is such a special present!

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